Informazioni GinnyMichaelson Last seen 1 hour ago
❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for looking at my profile!❤️❤️❤️
I am a simple girl with a very open mind and a big heart, ready to give you love. I try to discover a lot of new things for myself, open up my soul and body and give you joy and satisfaction.
I am a very active lady, I love to dream with you, read books and walk in the park
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Questo NON è un appuntamento dal vivo faccia a faccia. È online e si svolgerà su Skype.
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2 weeks ago
She is just incredible!
3 weeks ago
Very Cute Sweet Sexy Friendly!
1 month ago
2 months ago
Ginny is extremely beautiful, cute and naughty. I always have a great time. Will come over and over again!
6 months ago
incredible teeny beauty, she will make you cum in minutes just by her cuteness alone. Shes still young any shy - but still listens and is open minded, so teach her well ;)
6 months ago
An amazing beauty! 10/10!
7 months ago
Hot joi!
8 months ago
The most beautiful, sweet, and kind girl I've met here on Skyprivate.. no question about it. Can't wait to see her and talk to her again!
8 months ago
this is scam! - i called the model and she didnt turn her cam on. - i told her that and ended the call - 4.5$ !!! - wtf? - if this girl works for skyprivate, then she needs to make sure, that her cam works fine, when someone is calling. - no need for her unprofessional excuses. - this is just scam.