Despre Matilda_Ardent Last seen 1 day ago

4.77 din 5

de la 13 membri plătitori

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Abilitățile ei de engleză
100% 0%
Rapid în a accepta contactul meu pe Skype/Discord
100% 0%
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100% 0%
Sesiunea livrată conform discuției
100% 0%







Orientare sexuală










Mărimea sânilor



154 cm


53 Kg



ass, sexy, heels, longlegs, feet, petite, young, brunette, cute, natural, smalltits, skinny, slim, shorthair, tattoo, biglips, black, hotshow, ahegao, beautifuleyes, fastresponse

Welcome cuties! My name is Matilda, I am 18 years. Currently I live in Lithuania, such a calm and quiet place to live. I love adventure and good feature films. Feel free to get to know me. I am an active, self-confident, inquisitive, intelligent, flexible, sociable, relaxed, honest and open person. The last two character traits are the reason why I am here. Trying to be honest and open-minded with rs or even people I met for the first time backfired in ways I didn't expect.I didn't think that exploring my sexuality and talking about it with rs would make me lonely. Even my parents do not really understand me as a happy and open person who just enjoys his life, so I decided to move out. My wild fantasy is different from reality, as well as the ability to chat with people and have a great time, until not so long ago I found webcam sites that allow you to be honest, sexy and liberated, exactly what I have been looking for all my life . So I decided to try and do my best to get to know everyone and everything. When I see that people behave easily with me, I already fall in love with them! I would like to move on and get to know Europe and the people here. Being content online is good, but I really want to find someone who is trustworthy, fun and reliable. Seeing how people around enjoy their partner, I get a little upset. I want to be as happy as they are. To spend hours cuddling, have a great time watching Netflix and relaxing, or even while playing games. To tell a man how cute he is. I just want to feel weak around my partner. Well, even after I've said all of the above, I'm full of hope and never settle for what I like or want to enjoy. If you are an enterprising person or even a restless person, do not mind getting to know me! I wish you all a good time and thank you for reading my biography to the end.

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1 month ago

Matilda is a real Goddess. You have to worship her from head to toe.


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Poți SOLICITA O ÎNTÂLNIRE cu Matilda_Ardent atunci când îți este convenabil. Totul este în fusul tău orar, în orele tale locale. Ea va primi solicitarea ta și o va accepta dacă programul ei este liber. Vei primi o confirmare prin email și te poți pregăti pentru experiența ta incitantă.

Aceasta NU este o întâlnire live față în față. Este online și va avea loc pe Skype.

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Trebuie să ADĂUGI FONDURI în contul tău pentru a putea suna Matilda_Ardent sau orice alt model. Acesta este un sistem securizat care îți permite să plătești pentru show-uri private pe Skype cu plată per minut.

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